RESEARCH LIBRARY of Tomsk State University

Mission and values of the Research Library

A library is a must for any educational institution;
it is a source of spiritual power that is essential for any researcher.

Vasily Florinskiy,
Organizer of the Imperial Tomsk University
Founder of the Research Library


The mission of any library is to facilitate as much as possible
the ways of achieving scientific truth.

Aleksandr Miliutin,
TSU RL Chief Librarian (1912-1922)


Via scientiarum


The Research Library of Tomsk State University has historically supported the University, its mission, fundamental aims and objectives in the spheres of education, science, innovations, cultural and historical heritage, and the University’s third mission.


We would like to become a place where knowledge is produced and exists, cultural values are preserved, personalities are developed and the future is built. We want to contribute to the development of the University, our smart city, region, the Russian and world science and culture.


To increase knowledge, to inspire for discoveries, to preserve values, to create meanings


[reader/user]      increase knowledge via up-to-date information and unique experience

[product]            provide equal access to information and cultural heritage

[team]                 develop professional skills and proactivity, provide good working conditions

[development]   collaborate and create new library practices


Openness and collaboration

We are open to people and changes, aim at meaningful cooperation, collaborate, share best practices publicly.

Trust and friendliness

These are the basis of any of our activities. Friendly staff and environment direct the users to the required information facilitating the way to scientific truth.

Adaptability and flexibility

We are flexible to respond to the challenges of our time, quickly solve any issues to provide the necessary resources and up-to-date services to our users.


We care about people, books, and traditions, carefully preserve literary cultural heritage.


We work in the unique building with the unique collections and unique people. It is the second century already that we continue to be ‘the source of spiritual power’ and create the unique experience of producing new knowledge.

Proactivity and engagement

We welcome the proactivity of our staff and take into account their talents. Our engagement in the common cause helps us create groundbreaking products and projects.


It is interesting for us to find new ideas and solutions, apply nonstandard approach to move forward. We value both our failures and our achievements, and consider any problem as a new challenge and a growth point.


Different opinions, various cultures, our diverse and multilingual collections are a valuable source for personal development.

