НАУЧНАЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА Томского государственного университета

Academic Writing for Publication/Academic English


Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) (6th edition)
The Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) 16th edition (15th edition)
English for Writing Research Papers, Adrian Wallwork (Springer, 2011)
English for Research: Usage, Style and Grammar, Adrian Wallwork (Springer, 2013)
English for Academic Research: Writing Exercises, Adrian Wallwork (Springer, 2013)
English for Academic Research: Vocabulary Exercises, Adrian Wallwork (Springer, 2013)
English for Presentations at International Conferences, Adrian Wallwork (Springer, 2010)
English for Academic Correspondence and Socializing, Adrian Wallwork (Spring, 2011)
Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students (2003)
New Oxford Style Manual (2nd ed., 2012, Oxford University Press).


Science Journal Rankings (SJR) - This is an analysis of all the journals listed in Scopus by country and by subject area, then by impact factor and quartile, as of 2013 (the most current year, 2014 will be listed by September 2015).
Elsevier’s website about Scopus - It has the list of all journals currently on Scopus (in the link ‘journal title list’ under the graphs, an Excel spreadsheet download)
Scholarly Open Access – the website about questionable publishers of open access journals, journals that may be predatory, and related matters in academic publishing, including listings of the questionable publishers and journals
APA Style – the supplemental website for the APA Manual
the Purdue Online Writing Lab (Purdue OWL) – section on APA Style
Yale Graduate Writing Center - many materials and links
Zotero – the site for the free, open source reference management software
Directory of Open Access Journals – the authoritative listing of peer-reviewed open access journals
Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE) - international standards for authors

Online courses and presentations in English

TEDTalks – many interesting presentations in English, with transcripts
Coursera - free online-courses to learn to conduct rigorous academic research and to express your ideas clearly in an academic format

Setting up remote access to the TSU library databases (in Russian) - you will need your library reader number and pin code https://ez.lib.tsu.ru/login
