НАУЧНАЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА Томского государственного университета

Il Signor Fervorino e la Signorina Favella. Club di conversazione in lingua italiana

Time: Summer Break: June-August

Place: International Resource Center

Description: The Italian speaking club is intended for all those who are interested in the Italian language and culture, regardless of their individual level of proficiency in the language. Il Signor Fervorino e la Signorina Favella is an excellent opportunity to have a chat – “fare quattro chiacchiere”, as we Italians like to say – in a friendly environment, to discover some fun facts about the Italian culture of yesterday and of today, to exchange ideas and opinions on different topics, and to try to break down the much-feared language barrier. Through games, songs and a few other little tricks, all those taking part will have the chance to improve their knowledge of grammar and increase their vocabulary.


Moderator: Carolina Botteschi – Carolina was born in Italy. She is a first-year PhD student at the Faculty of Philology at TSU. She is passionate about the study of foreign languages and literature, fields to which she has devoted almost her entire high school and university education. She has always been fascinated by ars oratoria and words. In her spare time, she enjoys writing short stories, taking long walks surrounded by nature and practising sports. She loves travelling, thumbing through the pages of old books, wandering through libraries and being able to marvel at the skill with which both the extraordinary and the ordinary men of the past have grasped and depicted the infinite variety of the human soul and the world.

Contacts: irc@lib.tsu.ru, tel: (3822) 78-51-03.


