Новости09 апреля 2023
Speak Italian with Carolina Botteschi: a new speaking club in the Research Library
Italian speaking club “Il Signor Fervorino e la Signorina Favella” has been launched at the International Resource Center of the TSU Research Library in the spring semester. ‘When I was thinking about the name of the club, I wanted it to reflect the very essence of it. “Il Signor Fervorino e la Signorina Favella” seems perfect to me because I truly believe that a word is the basis of all, and, first of all, speech,’ comments Carolina Botteschi, moderator of the club and a first-year PhD student at the Faculty of Philology at TSU. ‘There is a good chance to “chit chat” at the meetings – “fare quattro chiacchiere” as Italians call it, in a friendly atmosphere, learn interesting facts about the Italian culture of the past and the present, exchange ideas and opinions on various topics, and also try to overcome so fearful language barrier.’
‘Why become the moderator of the Italian club? It’s a good question… The truth is that I didn’t choose actually, it was just a perfect turn of events and luck,’ contemplates Carolina. ‘Language is a tricky issue, it is constantly changing and can always trip those who try to acquire it. That is why at the club meetings I try to introduce the Italian language through games, songs, poems, and video clips, because presenting a language as just a system of grammar rules and vocabulary would mean destroying its creative power.’
“Il Signor Fervorino e la Signorina Favella” club meetings are held on Wednesdays at 16:30 at the International Resource Center. Everyone interested in the Italian language and culture is welcome regardless of their reference level. Contacts: irc@lib.tsu.ru, тел: (3822) 78-51-03.
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