НАУЧНАЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА Томского государственного университета


02 октября 2023
Changes in library service due to repair works in TSU Research Library remain until November 19

Changes in library service due to repair works in TSU Research Library remain until November 19.

Documents with call numbers from 640 000 to 1-979999 and newspapers are not available for reservation.

The delivery time for all the documents from the Department of the Main Collection is increased up to 24 hours.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Ekaterina V. Ivanovskaya, head of the Department of the Main Collection, tel. (3822) 78-51-31, ivanovskaya_e@lib.tsu.ru

Materials with location ‘Reading Room 5’ are retrieved by the librarians of the Reading Room 4 (New Building, 4th floor).


If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact: Irina K. Homiakova, Chief Librarian of the Reading Rooms Branch, tel. (3822) 78-51-38, homjakova@lib.tsu.ru


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