Новости22 ноября 2024
International Games Club appeared in the Library in the International Games Month
A new community, International Games Club «Ad hoc»: board et al. games, has appeared in the Library in the International Games Month. The first meeting of the club will take place on November 22 at 16:30 in the German Reading Room of the International Resource Center of the TSU Research Library. Registration is required.
The International Games Club welcomes everyone who appreciates a friendly atmosphere and is ready to share their ideas and enthusiasm. This club is a great opportunity to meet new people, exchange experience and improve your language skills with soulmates. Mina Mikhaeil, the club moderator, is from Alexandria (Egypt). He is fluent in Russian, Arabic and English. He has been living in Tomsk for five years already. Mina is an active student, a volunteer at TSU-Online. Together with other moderators of the language clubs of the International Resource Center, Mina will represent Tomsk State University at the All-Russia Forum for leaders and enthusiasts of clubs fostering friendship between nations «Russian as a foreign language» (Altai State Pedagogical University, Barnaul). Questions? Email irc@lib.tsu.ru or call (+73822) 78-51-03. RSS подписка на новости Научной библиотеки