НАУЧНАЯ БИБЛИОТЕКА Томского государственного университета

International Resource Center

Head: Elena V. Tsukanova

Phone: (+73822) 78-51-03
E-mail: tsukanova@lib.tsu.ru

Location: New Building, 3rd floor


The International Resource Center is a subdivision of the Service Department. The IRC includes English Reading Room, German Reading Room and French Reading Room. The rooms are available for language learning classes, movie screenings, cultural events and conferences, i.e. international and language learning related events.

Please, call or email the reading rooms or directly the Head of IRC to book them in advance.  Contacts are given on the web pages of the reading rooms.

During all events, the reading rooms are open to library users. One can work with the books of the IRC reading rooms in any other rooms of the library.

IRC consultants are working on weekdays from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm.

IRC main goals:

  1. To assemble and provide access to the most important and popular information resources in various foreign languages in both hard copies and electronic/online resources;
  2. In close cooperation with the TSU International Division to develop, improve, and maintain an international infrastructure at the TSU Research Library by providing better services to international students and staff working and studying at TSU.

IRC objectives:

  1. Arranging English language training sessions and short courses for the TSU Research Library employees working with international students and staff;
  2. Developing cooperation network of the Research Library with the largest national and international libraries, academic organizations, information centers, and other relevant institutions to improve access of TSU students and staff to various up-to-date materials and resources in foreign languages and experience exchange with international experts;
  1. Internationalization of the Library infrastructure: translating signs and main information resources/tools used by international students and staff; translations for the website of TSU Research Library (English electronic resources, accessibility, friendliness);
  1. Developing cooperation with the University academic departments to provide purchasing the latest academic materials (in foreign languages) for TSU students;
  2. Holding cultural events in foreign languages and seminars on international exchange programs and grants;
  3. Arranging intensive preparation courses  for TOEFL iBT;
  4. Managing operation of an authorized TOEFL iBT Test Center* at TSU, Tomsk.

The first certified testing center and TOEFL iBT® preparation courses were arranged by joint efforts of the TSU International Division, TSU Research Library and the Institute of Distance Education.


More about IRC activities:

- English Reading Room

- German Reading Room

- French Reading Room

- https://vk.com/irc_libtsu


- English Speaking Fridays/ English Speaking Tuesdays

- Authorized TOEFL iBT Test Center

- TOEFL iBT preparation courses

- www.vk.com/toefltsu
