Новости09 April 2023
New arrivals exhibition in the German Reading Room
All of them can be subdivided into 3 nominal thematic groups that suit different readers’ requests and reference levels. Textbooks for learning German “Mittelpunkt neu” (levels B – C1), “DaF kompakt neu”, “Deutsch üben. Hören und sprechen” stand out among others. “Phonetik aktuell”, “Deutsch üben. Phonetik” are for those who teach phonetics. “Mit Erfolg zum Goethe-Zertifikat” (levels A2 – C2) is for those who prepare for the international exam. Future professionals might be interested in books covering the topics of CVs, job interviews, and communication in certain spheres: “Erfolgreich in Besprechungen”, “Nimm mich!”, “Kommunikation in der Wirtschaft” and others. Fiction lovers might be interested in “Schwarzer Humor”, a collection of works by Peter Waldbauer, “Mords Schnee im Sommer”, a crime novel by Frank W. Kallweit, “Besuch aus einer unbekannten Welt”, a fantasy novel by Stefan Ruck. “Der hungrige Migrant” by Erdinç Aydın and “Sommerzeit” by Ulla Schneider are about the issues facing the youth. “Die Roseninse” by Gabriele Diechler and “Das Leben braucht mehr Schokoguss” by Ella Lindberg are women’s novels. New books were acquired due to the continued cooperation with the Goethe-Institut; some of the books were granted by the library of the German Cultural Center n.a. Goethe (Moscow). New arrivals will be displayed till the end of 2023. The books are available both for in-library use and for loan. Questions? Contact: Deutschland@lib.tsu.ru, tel.: (3822) 78-51-04.